Ubisoft - Longtail Studio

Project Overview

Create an educational app that helps students learn different subjects with space repetition in five minutes.

The Problem: 

Users don’t have a long attention span to retain information.

The Goal: 

To find a way to expand their knowledge on a subject a user is interested in studying. User retain information quickly and easily in five minutes a day.

My Responsibility

Collaborate with creative and development teams worldwide to complete project requirements from concept to execution.

Conceptualize, ideate, and design visual assets for mobile applications by creating mock-ups, wireframes, splash screens, UI prototypes, and custom avatars for Longtail’s educational suite.

User Journey Map

User research: Summary

Conducted primary research with subject matter experts, whom are teachers. We interviewed them to find the best solution for users to study quickly and retain the information they’re learning. We asked a series of questions to find out what is the user’s study journey before taking an exam or trying to improve in a certain subject.

Problem Statement / Persona:


User research: Pain Points


Finding a tutor is time consuming and could cost a lot.

Add a trial feature for the user to try the content first.


User is not tech savvy and struggles to understand how to complete a task in the app.

The UI design should be simple and easy to understand.


User prefers tutorials that will guide them throughout the app.

Build a onboarding experience for the user to get used to the app. 


A user’s biggest challenge is time. With classes and work, user wants to study quickly and remember what they learned.

Create an option in the settings for users to alter the rate they want to study on a subject.


  • Each subject card is viewed on the homepage. User can tap on the subject card to review their progress.

  • One of many gameplay templates a user will see. Four image boxes to choose from. Green box if it is correct or red box if it is incorrect.

Visual Exploration

  • Homescreen

  • Library

  • Gameplay

Gameplay Assets / Experience

Deliver custom illustrations and animations to enhance
the user experience across the app.

First stage when a user is presented with a gameplay.

Second stage when a user answers the question correctly.

Final UI

The final look for the app learning experience.


Ubisoft - Longtail Studios - PopTeams